Stunt Squad is here at All Stars!
Stars Gymnastics will be offering this exciting and
challenging class for boys next fall. It’s called
Stunt Squad. We realize boys live for challenges and
we all so really All Stars facility and staff can help
unleash your boy’s athletic potential.
Stunt Squad is a new class that offers 25 challenges
for the stunt squad participants to conquer in order
to move up to the next level and become a squad leader.
These challenges are based on the theory of Kinetic
intelligence that comprise and help unleash a person
athletic potential.
5 areas of challenges
1. Jumping and running (broad jump, 40meter dash,
block jumps, vertical jump)
2. Gymnastics skills (forward and backward rolling,
cart wheeling, handstands)
3. Balance/flexibility challenges (balancing on a
bar, beam obstacle course)
4. Strength challenges (chin ups, push ups, leg lifts,
bar pull over, rope climb, falling and rolling techniques)
5. And Stunt Challenges (jumping from block to catch
high high bar, jump from one block to another, rope
These classes are design to develop a child’s
athletic potential towards any sport and to overall
movement that will. Classes are an hour long and offered
once a week.
Stunt Squad will improve you son’s running speed,
ability to jump, coordination, balance, strength and
over all confidence.
Ages 5 - 7
Ages 7 - 11
For More information Call 860-683-2286
Gymnastics Birthday Parties are a fun and exciting
way to celebrate your child’s birthday. Save the
wear and tear on your nerves and the mess in your house
by scheduling a Gymnastics Birthday Party. 
Click here
for more details call us at (860) 683-2286